Types of Slip and Fall Cases

Slip and fall accidents can happen almost anywhere, both indoors and outdoors, due to a wide range of hazardous conditions. A slip or trip and fall can result in serious injuries and legal claims against property owners who fail to maintain a reasonably safe environment. Common types of slip and fall cases include:

  • Wet or Slippery SurfacesSlip and fall cases are often caused by spills, leaks or the presence of slippery substances on floors, sidewalks or other walking surfaces.

  • Icy ConditionsDuring the winter months, inadequate snow and ice removal create hazardous conditions, greatly increasing the risk of slips and falls on sidewalks and parking lots.

  • Tripping HazardsObstacles like raised carpeting, loose floorboards, uneven surfaces or clutter in walkways can cause individuals to trip and fall, resulting in serious injury.

  • Defective Stairs or HandrailsPoorly maintained or improperly designed stairs, lack of handrails or defective handrails can contribute to falls, particularly for elderly or disabled individuals.

  • Inadequate LightingDimly lit areas like stairwells, hallways or parking garages can obscure potential hazards and increase the risk of falls.

  • Elevator and Escalator AccidentsMalfunctioning elevators or escalators can cause falls, resulting in injuries ranging from sprains to more severe trauma.

  • Retail and Restaurant NegligenceSpills, debris or obstructions in walkways can create hazardous conditions for employees and patrons.

Common locations for slip and fall accidents

  • Grocery Stores
  • Hotels
  • Apartment Walkways
  • Bars
  • Stairs & Escalators
  • Hospitals
  • Parking Lots
  • Cruise Ships

How do I prove liability for a slip and fall accident?

Establishing liability in a Milwaukee slip and fall accident case is crucial to recover compensation for your injuries and other damages. To hold a property owner or responsible party liable, you must prove the following elements:

  • Existence of a dangerous conditionYou must demonstrate a hazardous condition like a wet or slippery floor, uneven surface, inadequate lighting or other potential hazards existed on the premises and led to a slip, trip or fall.

  • Failure to address the dangerous conditionYou must show the property owner or responsible party failed to take reasonable steps to address or remedy the dangerous condition within a reasonable time frame, creating an unreasonable risk of harm to visitors or customers.

  • Knowledge of the dangerous conditionYou need to prove the property owner or their employees were aware of the dangerous condition or should have been aware of it through reasonable inspection and maintenance processes.

  • CausationYou must establish a direct link between the dangerous condition and your slip and fall accident, proving the hazard was the cause of your injuries.

Building a strong premises liability case often requires a thorough investigation, collection of evidence and the assistance of an expert Milwaukee slip and fall attorney. An attorney can help identify potential sources of liability, gather crucial evidence and navigate the legal processes to maximize your chances of obtaining fair compensation for all damages.

How much am I owed for a slip and fall accident?

The average slip and fall settlement in Wisconsin falls between $15,000 and $45,000. The final settlement amount for a slip and fall accident can vary greatly depending on the severity of injuries, incurred medical expenses, lost wages and the degree of negligence by the property owner. Settlement offers are usually high enough to send a powerful warning to companies or other property owners. The Milwaukee slip and fall attorneys at Warshafsky Law will evaluate your case, quantify your damages and fight for the maximum possible compensation from the negligent party and their insurance provider.

No win. No fee. Free Case Assessment.

Common Injuries Caused by Slip and Falls

  • Broken bones

    (especially wrists, arms and hips)
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries

    (like concussions)
  • Ligament Damage in Knees and Ankles

  • Dislocated Joints

  • Painful Bruises

  • Spine and nerve damage

  • Post-traumatic Stress

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 14 million adults over the age of 65 fall each year. In 2021, Wisconsin had the highest Falls Death Rate per 100,000 people in the U.S. at 176.5.

We Prepare to Take Your Case to Court

Warshafsky Law aggressively prepares every Milwaukee slip and fall case for potential trial from day one. Rather than quickly accepting an initial settlement offer, we gather all evidence and build a strong case to maximize our negotiating leverage with the insurance company. Our readiness to take your case to trial shows we will pursue full compensation for all damages if we cannot reach a fair slip and fall settlement.

Insurance companies almost always want to avoid long court cases. They know which law firms are willing to go to court, and they won’t waste their time dragging out negotiations with low-ball offers they know we won’t accept. When you work with Warshafsky Law, you can trust our attorneys are pushing for maximum compensation.

Milwaukee Slip and Fall Attorneys Win the Compensation You Deserve

Warshafsky Law is a Milwaukee personal injury law firm specializing in getting our clients fully compensated for all accident-related damages.

We offer clients involved in slip and fall and trip and fall accidents a free initial consultation. Contact our Milwaukee personal injury attorney lawyers today to discuss your claim.

Milwaukee Personal Injury Lawsuits Frequently Asked Questions

Should I give a recorded statement?

Not before speaking with a qualified personal injury attorney. When insurance companies ask for your statement it’s important to remember that they’re trying to trip you up (and they’re good at it). You are under no obligation to give a recorded statement when they ask for one.

Someone called from the business, should I call them back?

No. Again, before you speak to anybody regarding your accident or subsequent injuries, always contact a personal injury attorney first.

How much can you get for a slip and fall lawsuit in Wisconsin?

There is no cap on how much you can get for a slip and fall lawsuit in Wisconsin. Average payouts in Wisconsin are in the six to seven-figure range depending on the severity of your injuries.

How do you prove negligence in a slip and fall injury case?

To prove negligence in a slip and fall in Wisconsin, you must be able to show the property owner or possessor was aware of the condition and carelessly failed to correct it.

What is the average settlement for a slip and fall injury in Wisconsin?

There is no definitive average settlement for a slip and fall injury in Wisconsin. One settlement may be worth thousands of dollars, while another is worth millions. A personal injury attorney can help you establish how much your injury is worth.